Average Playtime: 4 hours

Grizzly Valley

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The game takes place in Western Canada. Our protagonist got a call from his sister, asking him to visit her as soon as possible.


The gameplay is divided into two parts:

- The first part consists of exploration of protagonist's house in search of supplies that might come useful in your journey and packing up for the trip. You must choose the items wisely because they will be vital for your survival.
- The second and the main part of the game puts you alone in the wilderness. You must utilize all the items you've packed up for the trip in order to survive, gather additional supplies and vehicle parts to repair your car, while trying your best not to get caught by a roaming grizzly bear.

The game offers you a variety of tactics, based on a set of items you've got in the beginning.

Success depends on the set of items the player picked in the first part of the game, as well as on his/her actions in the second one.

The game has a really realistic approach to the survival mechanics. There is no mysticism or cliched horror movie creatures here. The player experiences the situations which are likely to occur in real life.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP\Vista\7\8
  • Processor: Athlon 2 X3 450
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTS 450
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • OS: Windows XP\Vista\7\8
  • Processor: AMD fx6300
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 750ti
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Last Modified: Apr 28, 2023

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Grizzly Valley reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
It's hard to write a Review for this Game when there are only positve and negative Reviews and no Level in between. But I must also add that I have taken the game for €0.49 in the Sale of the last Few days and only in this way the value for money is reasonably correct. Positv: + The Basic Idea is very good! + It is more extensive than first expected (you first have to find Items to find them again, etc.) And that's already, now the negative Stuff is coming:-There are just too many Bugs (E.g.: Half my Revolver ammunition just dissolved into Thin air after driving)-The maximum weight of 10Kg is just ridiculous, I find the idea that you only have limited Inventory space has good, but to do this the Game would have to be more developed, so that you could also visually do without some Things)-The Revolver just busts around, I shot 18 shots (i.e. all) at a Bear and the skin still doesn't eat off me (the one stood In front of me, it was not up to the range of the weapon)-The German Translation is just too weird (bad, Google translator)-With the few Ammunition quantity, the Game is hardly possible! -You could have made the Map much more loving, E.g.: You can go to a two-storey House, WO EINFACH NIX DRIN IS!!!!! (Some Furniture would have been nice) and much more ... Summary: The Game itself has a good Basic Idea, but you could make a lot of it, and it itself is just so busted and cheap that the Normal Price of €5t is pure Rip-off, it should rather be only 49ct or Free2Play. So: People, buy it in sale for 49ct like me, then the price is reasonably fair, or let it stay if you don't do so at the already overweathingly positive Review!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
"Grizzly Valley" is a First-Person Survival game. West Canada. In the first Phase of the Game we are at home, on our Phone there is a Message from our Sister. We would like to visit them soon. So strolled through the House and wrapped up Revolver, Shotgun and first aid Box. Everything you need when you visit your Sister. We get in the Car and ... The second and main part of the Game begins. Our Car has been left lying in the snowy Sewer. So got rid of and wanted Spare Parts. Stupid only that every few Meters Grizzlys roam And like to attack us. A few Shots at the Fur of Master Petz and he turns off for now. The Basic Idea of the Game is quite good and could work. In the first Phase, we have to decide what we take with us, because we can only carry ten Kilos. Which is why we can't just pack what in the Trunk of the Car we then drive off remains unexplained. But that being said, the Survival Equipment available is not exactly extensive or varied. This turns this Passage into annoying Compulsory Exercise especially since the control has not exactly gone unspongy. The second Part becomes a typical Search Game on the small Map. The Grizzlys have neither intelligence nor Instinct, are stakingly animated and roar like a broken Air conditioner. The Locations seem lovelessly clapped, often quite empty. It snows into a Warehouse, which is obviously thoughtful, throughout the whole Area. Almost everything, Boxes or Hamburger Packs, is just Decoration, you can interact with hardly anything. The Way our Protagonist holds the Weapon also looks very unhealthy and surgically relevant. The Graphics are weak Unity trims, the Sounds ranging from silly to really strong. And so the mostly unimagined Execution destroys a Lot of Atmosphere. An actually good Idea, an interesting Game concept becomes a ridiculous Rumgerenne. Speaking Of Rumgerenne: We run our Figure not only making very strange Noises, but also bouncing in the process. I habs: We are Otto and these are not Bears, but Ottifantes. Rating: 6/10 Atmosphere 6/10 Story 5/10 Graphic 6/10 Sound 4/10 Game Mechanics 4/10 Balancing 5/10 Game Pass Conclusion: Bated Concept, Albärn implemented. 5/10 Overall Rating
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