Group 9 - Flash Math v2.1 FINAL
*** Note to professor ***
Name is not mandatory. A placeholder name "Player" will be used in high scores if no name is given.
~~~ Changelog ~~~
- Added a difficulty slider for further customization.
- Added a portal beneath the player. This allows the player to teleport back to its original spawn point upon collision.
- Removed the "Try Again" button from each ending scene as it was redundant. (You're not supposed to restart on the same level)
- Removed some ImageTexts that covered "story" from "Maplestory" simply because it looks silly.
- Made the jumping a bit "less floaty".
- The answers in Levels 2 and 3 don't have to be rounded anymore. The divisor is a common factor of the dividend now. (Great suggestion!)
- Fixed a bug that caused the 2 X's from the "50/50" item to not be destroyed when colliding with an answer.
- Fixed a bug that caused more than one instance of the 2 X's from the "50/50" item to spawn.
- Found a bug where the square root symbol '√' wouldn't show up in Level 3, thus displaying the wrong question with wrong answers. It's been replaced with "sqrt()".*
* There is no way to fix this bug. It's a problem with WebGL.
Thanks for all the feedback and bug reports!
- Kin Lou