Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition posts

Stuck on my climb up this tall level in Guac STCE. (Current objective: Head through the Sierra toward the Great Temple.)
Maybe it's because I'm playing this on a keyboard. I'm struggling through this ascent. I wish there was a savepoint at every platform. Because if I exit the game now, I'll be back at the base of this ascent. And I want a break, but i feel forced to continue until I reach the next savepoint. :( It's not fun if you feel forced to keep playing a game.I wish there was a slow-motion feature.​
Is Guacamelee 2 4K on PS4 Pro/PS5?
Exploder Barrage
So I'm replaying GUACAMELEE SUPER TURBO CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION (as the announcer says) and I'm in Pico de Gallo rn in a locked screen lucha. I fought one of the four arm skeletons and few other lackeys and then the exploders came (those flying demon bombs). I may just not remember but there are A LOT of them. They appear like every 5 seconds and nothing I do changes things. I didn't get any special instructions that I didn't already know. I'm getting tons of money and obviously I'm kicking their asses (playing X'tabay btw she's the best) but I want this to stop :(Please let me know if I'm missing something or if my game's bugged
Hey all ! What were some of the things you like most about guacamelee ?
I recently bought the guacamelee 2 but for some reason I can not enter the game and I get the same message every time, can anyone help?
Drew Flame Face a bit ago, hope it looks good! (OC)
I'm stuck
new to guacamelee but i love it
with the switch, february fest both guacamelee 1 and 2 are on sale so I got guacamelee 1 to try it out and 12 hours playtime later I'm 99% done and I love every second of it at roughly 95 to 97% I got guacamelee 2 and I'm planing of playing it after I 100% 1 cant wait to play 2
Questions about Frenemies character pack for Guacamelee! STCE
Does it come with the one-two punch collection? Is it also on PC? Or just for xbox and ps4?
Stuck in inferno
I'm stuck in inferno my objective is to get to temple of the serpent. I've uncovered all the chests. I have all the abilities wall dash and chicken double jump. Just have no idea where to go. wtf
stuck in desert
Hi, anyone had this problem? the girl in the cage event never triggered in the desert, and not shes gone and the quest tell me to go to the forest, but i'm not in the death world, so i can't reach that spot..
Are there any novels like Guacamelee out there? Like some kind of mexican fantasy.