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Reload for more shooting action with GundeadliGne, the 2nd title in the Gundemonium Collection - this anime-style side-scroller brings the intensity of the 'bullet hell' shooter genre to Steam. Take your place as a mercenary and assist in the effort to prevent the annihilation of mankind by the demons of the underworld. Grab a friend, lock and load your guns - play online together in co-op mode! Choose from two player characters, and fight to unlock the third! Four levels of difficulty will make your experience an intense battle. As an added bonus, choose from 6 Matrix Masters with different abilities to help you along your way.
Key features:
  • 5 levels of bullet hell craziness
  • Sweet old-school retro anime-style art
  • Two playable characters and an unlockable third
  • 6 Matrix Masters to choose from
  • 2 unlockable mission modes
  • 11 Steam achievements
  • Local two-player multiplayer mode
  • Steamworks two-player online multiplayer mode
  • Full online leaderboards
  • New arranged soundtrack by DM Ashura
Release date
Platine Dispositif
Rockin Android
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • Operating system: Windows® XP, Vista, or Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel® 1 GHz Processor (Recommended: 2 GHz)
  • Memory: 256 MB RAM (Recommended: 512 MB RAM)
  • Hard disk space: 500MB
  • Video: DirectX® 9 level Graphics Card
  • Sound: DirectSound-compatible Sound Card
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9 or above
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Last Modified: Sep 26, 2022

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2 edits


1 edit
CGRundertow GUNDEADLIGNE for PC Video Game Review
Nov 13, 2011
TOO MANY BULLETS!! | Let's Play: GundeadliGne
Sep 9, 2014
The Anime Man
GundeadliGne - Eryth near-max phase level playthrough 3210M
Feb 3, 2013
GundeadliGne Demonic 1cc (Nagi/Murakumo) 4,000,353,420 Score
Feb 1, 2012
Gundeadligne - Trailer - PS3/PSN
Jun 10, 2010
GundeadliGne - 1CC True Last Boss , Nagi【Shield】
Aug 29, 2017
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1,721 items
Demonic Duet
Finish the game in Duet Play with both players alive.
Revenge is Sweet
Defeat the true last boss.
Who's next?
Defeat every opponent in Demonic Challenge mode.
Matrix Master
Finish the game on Advanced difficulty.
The Spice of Life
Finish the game with every character.
view all achievements
12 items
GundeadlieGne Standard Mode Solo 1cc
[Steam Punked #87] GundeadliGne
View all streams
3 items

GundeadliGne reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I bought it because I had the first part before. That was cool, but there was a back-up boss on 10 forms final, from which I sweat on the average, with the most tuned lives in the options before the game. Ballet-hell/Cheerful, hurricane, drive genre, but I do not get the skill. The Boss of the final I passed, but here the game was bought with the idea of a jerk and return the coins spent on it, back to his leprechaun-Jewish pot of gold. In the end, I passed it in 25 minutes with a false ending, that is, one in which there is no final boss. Learn-that for the true ending you need to put the phase levled at least until the eleventh and at the same time to collect ten akshen breaks, fully allowed to consider this game passed. I'm going to be the joystick. But in the end, the money will not return, because the game for twenty-five minutes delivered a ton of fun. Took for 99 rubles. In principle it is the price of two hot sandwiches. Or, what is more appropriate, one energy. And She really raised my mood as one bank of this hard-core green alchemy. So Great. I Do not understand those fools who are able to spend 500 rubles on the set of international rolls, but will whine that some game for 500 expensive, although it gave them pleasure more prolonged in time. To The price category 500-700 rubles all the whining about the prices in Igmaggasah sucked out of the finger. The Game is able to relax you without much negative consequences for pennies, while a bottle of alcohol will not allow you to survive to old age in 170 years. The Average album on Itunse costs 100 rubles, track 15, which is also very cool. And a woman will cost millions of energy-gerts. If it is not 2D. Or If you're not a woman yourself, then you should think about marriage. Don't be a little petty. And prioritize. Take care.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Bullet hell in an aesthetic arcade which, from my point of view, suffers from the comparison with Touhou project, but that is all the same enjoyable to play. The +:-bullet hell well managed in difficulty (no inevitable vague in standard difficulty but nothing childish either)-an aesthetic arcade in the style of Metal Slug 3 (I do with my arcade references that do not go very far)-a catchy music-D He impacts better felt than in Touhou-dynamic (fast waves of enemies)-:-a Hitbox of the character difficult to identify (it is not shown explicitly as in the concentration mode of Touhou)-the enemies who pop in your back on the left side in a totally inevitable way when you are coled to the left (any mechanics of die and retry in a game that is supposed to rest on the skill is a flaw for me)-it may be me but even pressing all the keys of the keyboard , I did not find a way to pause the game-clutter at times, probably because of the size and shape of the projectile. There, watching a gameplay video should suffice to understand what I mean the neutrals:-a life-making system that facilitates life. I put it in neutral because a greater ease in a bullet hell is not everyone's taste-a "counter-bomb" system that simply allows to protect itself from a projectile if you have enough mana (which recharges itself) by pressing at the right time. I like this mechanics that is simple to take in hand and allows some situation reversations but, again, this facilitates the game so, neutral-a scenario that I would not talk about because I have not read it but that comes in the form of huge pavers Ava each chapter, which does not really encourage reading to conclude on a nth comparison to Touhou (reference of bullet hell), it is a game more "bourrin" and dynamic than Touhou in its aesthetics and its slightly more permissive gameplay (while remains difficult) but also more clutter and less "precise" (in the sense that one shoots in the pile and that the Hitbox of the character is sometimes relatively enigmatic). For me, this game is to have in parallel to Touhouto play according to your mood of the moment, depending on whether you want to spit blood in front of adorable little girls who invade your screen of multicolored balls in a dreamlike atmosphere or if you are more in the mood to rush into the heap and explode missiles with a pair of guns on a catting music.
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