Gut Feeding
Gut Feeding is about an eating competition where you must shovel as much food into your mouth as possible and digest them within the time limit.
Game FlowAt first, the food will be too large to fit into the intestines, but the stomach acids gradually digest it so it can fit. You can hover your mouse over the food inside your body to greatly speed up the digestion. At any time, you can use the toilet flush handle to help hasten the food’s passage through the intestines. You receive points when food exits the intestines.
Multitasking is a critical portion of this game. You’ll need to balance your flinging and flushing!
Also, be careful not to drop food off the table or fling it past your eater; you’ll lose time whenever food goes out of bounds.
Controls- Click, hold the food to grab it.
- While clicking you can drag grabbed food by moving the mouse, or fling it by releasing the click.
- Hover your mouse over food inside your body to shrink it.
- Click the toilet handle to flush.
- Press P to pause the game
Kodachi: Music, Programmer
MugenMagnus: Art, Programmer
Software used: Unity, Bosca Ceoil, Krita, Visual Studio, Bfxr