0. Recommended to enter full-screen in case you cannot see the whole picture.
1. You will enter the "Menu" panel, in which you can make the appropriate configurations.
2. After you click play and configured the grid, you press the "Start" button, which would run the simulation.
3. On the left panel, you will have several dropdowns which you have to choose correctly based on the number of the zone.
4. The game has 4 zones:
Zone 1: Deadly zone - a zone where after 10 generations every cell dies.
Zone 2: Standard zone - Conway's rules.
Zone 3: Lucky zone: a zone where a living cell with fewer than two living neighbors does not always die from underpopulation (same for overpopulation);
Zone 4: Friendly zone: a zone where living cells with fewer than two living neighbors do not always die from underpopulation. Instead, they survive if there are other living cells nearby.
5. Keep in mind that the above-mentioned zones are abstract. On the physical zones of the grid, they will be placed randomly each time.