Average Playtime: 4 hours


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  • Learn who you can trust as you make friends and enemies exploring the depths of abandoned future internet cyber-structure
  • Prove your worth to cyber-society by navigating the trials laid out for you by the Multi-User Domain’s governing super-intelligence, ‘The Trust’
  • ‘Patch into the hardline’ to access other users’ protected systems and steal their digital goods
  • Demonstrate hunger for power, flexibility of thought, and keen strategy to convince The Trust of your value and escape the virtual L.A.N.
  • Let the text-based interface transport you back to the early internet-era when computing was full of discovery
  • Create and destroy digital empires while exploring the constantly evolving user-created multiplayer world
  • Use real-world hacking skills (social engineering, cracking, research, scripting...) for power and influence in the M.U.D. at large
  • A deep, nuanced and engaging storyline full of discovery that will keep you guessing
  • Encourages deep exploration and testing the limits of the system through rich side-content
  • An intuitive retro-futuristic text-based computing interface that escalates to advanced with glitches, hidden commands, and arcane syntax
  • 90s film style ‘hacking mode,’ for when you need to get some ‘serious’ hacking done
  • An original electronic soundtrack which will chill you out while exploring or amp you up when the pressure’s on
  • Persistent and constantly-evolving game universe powered by an almost endless stream of user created tools, puzzles, traps and much more
  • A fluid and organic class system determined by the currently loaded upgrades on your system
  • A fully scriptable in-game world with a global player-based economy of code and in-game botting
  • Regular balance patches to keep the game fun and engaging for players of all styles and at all levels of experience
Release date
Drizzly Bear
Drizzly Bear
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Linux

  • Memory: 2 GB RAM

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS 10.9
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 10
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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1 edit
Watching the quality go down the drain.
Highlight: [SG/EN] [Derf] Hack the body, and the mind will follow
Normally I'd be diving back into Grey Hack but I feel like tonight I want a different game. {hackmud} | !game !crypto !hint
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hackmud reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
A game far too vague. The concept is well worked, but you get lost very easily and it is more necessary to have knowledge in programming to hope to move forward. The buy was for me money thrown out of the window...
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Microsoft from French
I have at the moment made only the introduction of the game... But it's just impressive with that. Play it for little that interacting with a game using lines of text does not scare you... But despite that, this is perhaps the most "involving" game seen this year. I will update this evaluation after a few hours of the "real game" in addition.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Jain. So the tutorial program was great. I'm Disappointed with what comes after that. I haven't heard Of the Multiplayer/MMO part yet. Apparently, playing together is not really required. The locks are Demanding at the Start, but when you have the Hang of it, it becomes routine. Well, I'm only with Tier 2, maybe later will be even "better." I rate negative things on the one hand because of the MMO label, which is not really existent, and on the other hand it is possible to break out of the Game the user Script and cause Damage to the PC (see Dev announcement from the 29.11.2016). This is an absolute No-Go. So rather leave your Fingers off the Game.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Hackmud is the Game for Hackers & Cracker Enthusiasts who want to prove their Skills. The Game fascinates by its complex Simplicity, which at first Sounds like a Contradiction in terms. Nevertheless, the Developers have managed to make a good Introduction to the History of Hackmud and its Game Concept. In the Beginning, an extensive Tutorial Is to be solved in order to understand what is important about Hackmud. Very interesting to observe is that the Developers have done a Good research on the Work of a Hacker & Cracker. The Game has the Center of gravity to find abandoned Bank Accounts and loot them. To do this, attack Scripts & Defense Locks must be purchased. However, Hackmud would not be a real Hacker & Cracker game without that the Player would also be able to write its own complex Scripts in good Simple Java Script and use them for defense or attack. Recently, there has also been a very special PvP System in which 16 vs 16 Players can compete against each other. The Price of the Game seems to be coated for a Text-based weed-looking Work without Graphics. Believe me is not! Since you first passed through the Tutorial, you will be thrown into the public Hackmud Net and The real Hacker & Cracker will start having fun against other Players! H @ ¢ K 7H € PL4N3 †!
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