HAKAI (Freezydev)
HAKAI is an experimental, momentum-based action game made in PICO-8 which takes inspiration from Dragonball Z. Fly into your opponent like a guided missile and blast lasers across the screen!
Arrow keys to move, hold Z to fly and charge up, tap Z while holding a direction to dodge. Hold X to fire a super attack, tap X while holding a direction to dash towards your opponent and strike, hold X while dashing to charge a heavy attack, and tap X while not holding a direction to shoot.
Local multiplayer:
Gamepad: HAKAI and all PICO-8 games have full gamepad support.
Keyboard: for Player 2 you can use the keys S,F,E,D for the arrow keys and Tab and Q for Z and X, respectively.
More details on the game's controls and mechanics on the game's lexaloffle page here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=48971
Made by Freezydev - Twitter