Hamloon is a game, in which you protect a hamster from pins and nails, and help him achive his dream, of reaching Earth's Stratosphere, game features 2 difficulty modes, Power ups, and diffrent types of enemies
This game was created for Ludum Dare 46theme for which was "Keep it alive", This game is a compo submission, which means it was made solo and in under 48 h
How To Play:Protect ballon from sharp objects, by deflecting them, deflect with LMB, But watch out, because while deflecting, you can hurt the ballon, if you're playing on normal mode you have 3 patches to your disposition, they will apply automatically when ballon is hurted,
Power Ups:Shield - Grants you few seconds of damage immunity
Speed - Increses Flying Speed
All assets were made specificlly for this game, by NoelOskar