Hangmeme The Memerate Game
Was developed during the GameJam of the Games Academy Berlin.
With the people from Boliwer Games, Mostwandet38 and SanjaDev.
Twitch sites:
What is Hangmeme?
Hangmeme is a hangman meme (meaning) guessing game for Twitch.
A meme pops up on the board and your Twitchviewers have to guess the meaning or the missing word
with "!Commands".
!vote "letter" = A letter is voted (The letter that is voted the most is chosen)
!solve "Word" = The whole word is voted (This command triggers immediately)
(Internal spoiler) Why does it say "Rider is Love <3" next to the board?
Because of a silly mistake, our project was reset to a five hour old state on the second day of GameJam.
But thanks to Rider, not all the code had to be rewritten <3.
Config Files:
There are two config files under installation path\Hangmeme\Hangmeme_Data\StreamingAssets\Configs.
Within the "TwitchConfig.json" a Twitch account must be stored, which the game uses to connect to Twitch chats.
username = Describes the user name of the Twitch account that is to serve as the bot account.
userToken = Must contain the oauth token of the specified account under username. Twitch oauth tokens can be obtained here: https://twitchapps.com/tmi/
channelName = Describes the Twitch channel to connect to. Normally, this name must be written in lower case.
The second config file "MemeConfig.json" contains the picture to word assignment, which has to be guessed.
To add more memes to the game, they have to be added under installation path\Hangmeme\Hangmeme_Data\StreamingAssets\Images.
Afterwards, the MemeConfig.json must be extended by an entry that assigns a solution word to the meme. A solution word may consist of a maximum of
4 single words with a maximum of 12 letters each, no numbers or characters! The newly created pictures will be loaded automatically when the game is restarted.