Harper's Adventure
Harper's Adventure is a sim that let's you experience the day-to-day life of an ordinary house cat. Go on adventures in the apartment they live in by meeting the neighborhood animals and forcing your owners to feed you at odd hours of the morning.
A basic visual novel sim game where your choices made during the story effect your end result. Try to learn what each ending brings by changing how you play the game.
In Harper's Adventure, the story is told through the eyes of Harper, an ordinary housecat who lives in an apartment with both of her dads. Experience not only what happens to Harper everyday, but learn more about her and the characters and other animals she interacts with on her adventures. The story has multiple endings and players are encouraged to experience each of these endings, maybe even get a job as a cat barista or take a trip to space(???).
Jacob Allex (Project Lead, Code, Story)
Twitter - Instagram
Libbi Burgan (Story and Dialog)
Gabriel Rangel (Sound Design)
Xiem Vuong (Art and Design)