Hats on Clouds
Build towers by going around the platforms
Finish the race before too many enemies cross the finish line
In the year 2098, there is no human no more, there are only clouds with hats.
You, Cloudius McCloudster, heir to the throne, have to fight the horde of evil hats!
You have no other choice but to build your death bringing Towers - by racing!
Build your towers, one after another. You can build and upgrade towers by circling the tower socket. Each round you can build more towers.
With three different types of towers, you can build a "perfect" strategy to prevent the horde of evil clouds with stupid hats to finish the lap and hurt you and your reputation.
The ice tower will spin your enemies around, preventing them to be as quick as you are.
The fire tower will shoot an enemy and will let him (or her!) die in agony.
The tower of doom will devour the souls of a group of enemies.
The main goal is to finish the race before you run out of life(s). If an enemy passes the finish line, you will lose a life.
You die when too many enemies finish the race.