"Your satisfaction is on the top 10 of our to-do list."
A game about a workplace from hell that thrives on taking control away from its employees. Play as a new hire for the shadiest company in existence for as long as your sanity holds.
Made in 48 hours for the Game Maker's Tool Kit Jam 2020. Mouse highly recommended.
- Whimsical and fully accurate office simulation
- Six levels that are totally definitely fair
- Riveting dialogue that made at least one person cry
- A sense of pride and accomplishment, probably
- Matthew Zhang (@1f1n1ty_): Programming, Music
- Alex Huang (@ralpph4, https://alex-huang.itch.io/): Art, Programming
- Noah Kuhn (@_noah_kuhn_): Sound, Additional Art
- Some music written collaboratively with Stardew (@stardewish)
- Some sound effects found on freesound.org
- Made with Unity and Love™