Average Playtime: 3 hours

Heretic's Fork

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Thank you for submitting your application for the position of Hell's Manager. We are pleased to offer you the job and extend a warm welcome to our team. As you may know, we have some overpopulation issues that we believe can be resolved with your help.

Your role will involve not only managing the current population but also implementing innovative strategies to streamline our operations. You will be tasked with punishing sinners using our state-of-the-art computer system, HERETIC'S FORK, developed by DeusVult Inc.

We are confident that your skills and expertise will greatly contribute to maintaining order and efficiency in our unique environment. We look forward to having you on board and seeing the positive impact you will bring to our organization.

1. Choose a demon to act as your subordinate who will manage all site operations.

2. Protect the rift between Hell and Earth from escape attempts by dwelling heretics.

3. Punish sinners with monstrous towers that deal Holy, Unholy, and Hellfire damage.

4. Plan strategies and build strength using our deck-building system.

5. Achieve great results to receive more cards for your deck.

6. Work for various departments, each representing a circle of Hell, and cooperate with them.

7. Ensure that sinners do not damage our property by keeping them from passing through.

8. Receive wages for each shift based on the number of sinners punished. Your success depends solely on you.

9. Be an integral part of our fun and delightful team with a shared dark sense of humor.

Release date
Ravenage Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Microsoft 64bit Windows 7
  • Processor: 64bit Intel compatible Dual Core CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: OpenGL 4-compliant onboard graphics
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 25, 2025

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Light Work
Reach the final circle using only holy damage.
Complete all challenges.
Reach the final circle using only hellfire damage.
Big Playa
Achieve a highscore of 200,000 in Endless mode.
Fully complete a Shift with Gilbo Gibbins.
view all achievements
21 items

Heretic's Fork reviews and comments

I’m always on the lookout for the next Vampire Survivors-alike to suck me in (no pun intended, I swear). I’ve ever so slightly fallen out of love with VS since they released their recent-ish, thematically dubious DLCs, and I’ve not felt the same pull to go back to it as I did when Tides of Foscari and Legacy of the Moonspell dropped. So when I spotted Heretic’s Fork sat in my to-play list, I figured it could well be my new favourite time-sink.

Heretic’s Fork is billed as a mashup of tower defence and survivor-style games with a bit of deck building added in for good measure. However, rather than plotting where multiple towers go along a walkway for enemy mobs, you’re a single tower in the centre of the map which needs to kill enemy mobs coming in from the shadowy edges as they try to escape hell.

There are a few different types of towers you can utilise for this, ranging from garrisons that send out little demons with sniper rifles or kamikaze exploding imps, to flamethrower towers, towers with machine guns, and towers that just spin giant flails around killing everything coming your way.

There’s also some mild deck-building involved, where cards can be utilised to upgrade your towers or garrisons, or the type of damage you do. You can also merge two cards of the same power together to create a random card of the power level above, which is really useful for getting the good stuff.

Initially, the first few playthroughs of Heretic’s Fork were great, trying to find out what towers work best. There was joy in finally getting to the next level of hell after beating your head against it a few times. Sadly though, once you hit on a winning formula, you’re pretty much done. I found the secret sauce to be the flail tower Judgement along with the Living Shadow card that increases the number of flails you use, coupled with the Unholy MG machine gun tower. Three of each of them and I could not lose a run.

The maps don’t change, there’s no feeling of “just one more go” to drag you back in, and you generally know you’ve already won before you even start as there’s no real RNG to the enemies or different locations to keep it interesting. The only thing that changes are the randomised cards you get for your deck. Even the different characters you can choose to play as bring pretty much nothing interesting to the table.

I know that there are harder difficulty modes to unlock and there is actually some story in there as well, but I cannot bring myself to play through repeating the same thing over and over again to actually unlock these modes. I still enjoyed my time with Heretic’s Fork; it sadly is just not the Vampire Survivors beater I was hoping for.

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