Hide & Seek (grzykiel)
Hide & Seek was intended for the 2022 Global Game Jam, although it wasn't finished in time.
Working with the theme "DUALITY", I decided to explore the binary of light and dark. Particularly, I wanted to explore the idea that when deprived of sight in the darkness, our sense of hearing can become augmented.
Arrows to move, space to use lamp.
Hide & Seek relies heavily on stereo sound and headphones are recommended.
In the game you wander about a haunted house with a lamp.
When the lamp is off you can hear a creature stalking you, and you must avoid it.
When the lamp is on the creature will flee from you, but cannot hear it. Furthermore, you have limited light and you must search for jars of oil to refuel the lamp.
You win by exposing the creature to the lamplight.
Haunted mansion, Hero Tokens 3, and Halloween Monster Tokens by Ross McConnell of 2minutetabletop.com, with modifications, under a CC BY-NC 4.0 License
AudioCC BY 3.0, with modifications:
- “Book, Flipping Through Pages, A.wav” and "Water, Dripping, Medium, A.wav" by InspectorJ (jshaw.co.uk)
- “WoodenChairWood.wav” by mikaelfernstrom
- “Monster Screech.wav” by YuriNikolai
- “Llama_SiendoApagada.wav” by Thingy17
- “Wild Boar / Grunting / Squealing” TheVeoMammoth11
- “Toilet Flush” by EminYILDIRIM
- “Piano Keys .m4a” by Alexhanj
CC BY-NC 3.0, with modifications:
- “Olive Oil” by rickaldo09
- “Plant noises.WAV” by tjoppie
- “BasinInputOutput.wav” by acclivity