Hit Seven
Welcome to HitSeven, a game developed for the Godot Wild Jam #32, and also my first experience with game development.
HitSeven is a world populated by righthanded human clones. The Cruel but Caring Ultragamemnon God deprived its inhabitants of the pleasure of arts.
No music, no painting, no literature on HitSeven. But Ultragamenon left a door open to hope: The who manages to clear 7 levels full of dangerous targets and rotating skulls while being cheered on by hysterical invisible spectators... Well, the scriptures are not clear about what will happen next. But no one would have put this Arena just there for nothing, right?
NOTE: Know issues with web version: Delayed and general sound problems and random behavior when using
NOTE 2: Mac version isn't tested, but i'm open for donations and buy an imac.