hold climber
hold climber
try to climb out of a hole. imagine this takes place in a hole.
sorry about this one.
sometimes the controls don't work, i don't know why. just restart (ctrl-r) and try again. usually that fixes it. lot of bugs generally, some of which are okay, some of which are less okay.
made in a week for the class "prototype studio" at the nyu game center. the theme was "to endure".
- mouselook
- click: start climbing
- keyboard: climbing (i like "30z/" personally)
- ctrl+r: reset
todo (maybe one day)
- add the hole
- make falling work
- climbing bugs
- colors, noise, light at the top of the hole
- sound, guh (add jazz)
source on github. see credits.
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Sep 27, 2021
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