Hole is One
If you get stuck, press R! Hole is One.
Or "A lonely golfer's battle royale", as I like to call it.
It's minigolf, only with one hole. All your balls are still there, you just must fit them all into the single hole. How fast that'll happen is up to your skills; you need to complete the level fast, yet keep room for more balls to move.
- Main game done by m1ksu (me) in Unity
- Help from Topzu06, who came up with the idea for the game, and took some screenshots, and did the entirety of the playtesting of the final level since I seriously didn't have the time, and who was generally my slave.
- Minigolf assets by asset-jesus KenneyNL.
- Music by Purple Light Music.
If you want to contact me, hit me up on Discord: m1ksu#6548