HOPE (itch) (robertli_games)
Game Design: Robert LI, Tilkey YANG, Anoif LU, Ink SUN
Game Programming: Robert LI, Anoif LU
Game Art: Ink SUN
Music & SoundFX: Tilkey YANG
“Wanna run a RAID on FF14?”, says the Healer.
“RUN A RAID!”, says the Tank.
“I’m on”, says the DPS.
“Heal me! Heal me!!”, says the other DPS.
The entire development team was addicted to FF14 online for the past 2 months. On Friday, 1st of April, our Physical Ranged DPS got a notification on discord: “Ludum Dare 50 Begins in 5 minutes!” The abrupt news totally caught us off guard…
During the development of the game, we struggled to focus on the jam. We had such a hard time holding back the impulse of launching FF14 online and running a raid together.
“Let’s do our dailies. Come on, it will only be an hour.”
“Raid, maybe?”
We finally got to the point of naming our game, but our ‘guru of naming stuff’ was asleep (the Ranged Physical DPS), the rest of us decided to name our jam entry: “wHat would a game made by warriors Of light look like when they desPerately want to play FFXIV Endwalker ”. BECAUSE WE WANT TO RAID!!!
We incorporated one of the ares in FF14 online, “Ultima Thule” in our game concept. The lonely and wandering astronaut traverses the universe of chess board, while dodging astroids and blackholes with abilities he learned throughout the journey. Just as he gathered enough stars to prove his strength and willpower, the merciless universe showed it true self: INCREASED AOE.
For Our Chinese Players:
这也是我们给游戏取名为“wHat would a game made by warriors Of light look like when they desPerately want to play FFXIV Endwalker ”的原因。
为了缓和玩不到FF14的痛苦,我们在美术和氛围感上参考了FF14的最终地图“Ultima Thule”的设计。