Huygens Principle

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Huygens Principle is a 2D top-down shooter where you become the enemy that you killed.

All you want is revenge. And you are going through space, time and hell for this.


  • Fast-paced and hardcore gameplay where you must not only shoot but make decisions in every moment. Who will be next? Who am I going to become?
  • Neat synthwave soundtrack with 16 tracks from ALEX, CYBERCORPSE, Dupre, EMMETT BROWN, Reno and Wice.
  • 169 levels in 13 chapters. Each chapter takes place in a unique location with its own style and music. When you complete the first tutorial chapter all chapters are unlocked. The chapter can be selected on chronological timeline at the bottom of "Play" screen. You can play chapters in any order but it's recommended to follow numerical one.
  • Different types of gameplay: slow-mo, no powers and chapter where time moves when you move.
Release date
Cat In A Jar Games
Dagestan Technology, Cat In A Jar Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 2 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Storage: 150 MB available space
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Last Modified: Dec 17, 2021

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Huygens Principle reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
a Miami hotline a little special or every time we kill a character, we embody him and of course his weapon (pistol, fake, Bazooka, sniper, shotgun, machine gun...). So basically, the principle of hotline Miami, we take one or two bullets, we die, Ditto for the enemis, with a view from above. the furious rhythm and the well-bodied difficulty make it an excellent little retro game. There is nevertheless a little coherence between the worlds (we go from hell to the police station, to the Crusades or an apocalyptic future without knowing why, since there is no history). not to be too repealable, some worlds change the gameplay (for example a world that with weapons of body to body, another or we do not change the body, we keep a spraying to reduce the police station in boiled (it does not remind you of a film that?) or in core one that directly pumps its principle has super hot, enemies not advancing and pulling only when you move). the developers had the will to vary the pleasures. 13 worlds cut into several levels sometimes original, the lifespan is correct (between 3 and 5 hours depending on your experience in this type of game). In short, it is not boring, it is cheap and even if the ugly graphics and the lack of history are felt, Huygens principle is an excellent inverstiment.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I Confess I did not expect that I would like this game. Thought I'd run, play five minutes and throw an angry tip about how bad it is. Luckily, the game proved to be quite entertaining in terms of gameplay, thanks to the interesting mechanics that developers are talking about using just one sentence in the Steam game description. You are what you kill. Taking as a basis the rapid action and vyviglastyny style of the famous hit Hotline Miami, the developer decided to do something similar, giving successful cocktail a certain own ingredient, which proved to be the key mechanics of the game. You burst into the building, give your teeth to the nearest opponent with a shotgun and a bang! You are already in his skin and ready to sprinkle all around with a shot. But, exactly until the next victim falls. It feels quite unusual and new for this type of game. It Can be said that Huygens Principle invents successful and interesting gameplay chips on top of others. All these transitions between the bodies are accompanied by simple visual effects and a second time delay. Sometimes we will be offered unusual variants of gameplay, by the type of what we saw, for example, in SUPERHOT. In almost every review I write about what wonderful music has been used in indie games lately. This representative is not an exception. Your hearing will caress the stylish reroveyv hits from musicians such as ALEX, CYBERCORPSE, Dupre, EMMETT BROWN, Reno and Wice. The Music fits perfectly into the style and pace of the game, complementing the already fast and bloody battle of stylish accompaniment. But the visual part here is a nightmare. It Looks like a playholder of the future project. There is a feeling that the developer has made a skeleton and forgot to fill it with everything else, having released all the achievements for gravity. Why is it so tasteless to spoil a wonderful idea? In General... Except for the failing, in my opinion, the visual solution, the Huygens Principle will be a wonderful chellendzhevym test for you for a few evenings, because with the number of levels and chapters of the developer is clearly not skalturil, as well as with audio. The Review is compiled by the author of the curator page-"Special Games Club"
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