This Game was developed for the Extra Credits Game Jam.
The Key for this Game is Management, because you need to be constantly aware of your Speed and it´s effects on you. Your Speed manages everythink, from your Life Regeneration to your Damage Output, and even your Final Score, so you always make new short-term decision depending on your current situation. This keeps your always in action.
Because I only had limited time for the development, Graphics and Sound Design are a litle weak, but I tried to get as much out of both as I could.
For the sake of the Theme of the Game Jam (Action per Second - Don´t waste time) there is no Tutorial (just a quick "How to Play") or "easy" levels and you can jump right into the action.
I hope you all enjoy my work!
Good luck to all other Jamers!
Source Code is avaible at GitHub: https://github.com/SPFabGerman/Hyperspeed.git or in the Downloaded File.
There will be a production Video in the future (German only).
Total Work Time: 13 - 14h, Day 1: 5h, Day 2: 4h, Day 3: 4-5h
This was developed from just one Person (me) who made everythink(Idea, Programming, Art) besides Sound. All Sound is under Creative Commons, besides Pickup and Drive Sound, these are under Attribution. Sources: https://freesound.org/people/Robinhood76/sounds/277252/ and https://freesound.org/people/rdaly95/sounds/387134/
There will be no further development. If you have Questions about the Code, feel free to ask.