IA no.0 (prototype)
Hi, this was for a school project and my first try at Unity, lotsa stuff doesn’t actually work or do anything but I’m still happy with it as a first go, hope you get something out of it.
Some notes and warnings:
the ui is purely for show
Shooting the enemy doesn’t actually do anything and the same for the reverse.
I don’t know how to make the player regain mouse control yet so you have to quit the game by using a force quit command sorry.
The WebGL doesn’t work atm so I’m trying to get that fixed.
Sorry for making you download something this incomplete.
WASD/arrow keys - moving
Space - jump
left shift - boost
Right shift - walk slower
Z - Aim mode/ shooting
X - exit Aim mode
Mouse - camera/ aiming
Q - punch (also doesn’t do anything)