UPDATE: Fixed some minor issues that impacted playability. Such as some basic control bindings and some extra text to help explain the objective.
Also added a linux build! It is untested, please let me know if you try it out.
Facet Starlight's entry for the Summer Slow Jams August 2020 Horror edition. Hosted by PIGSquad! You play as a maleficent Jinn who has broken into an ancient Ibis prison to free the dark souls that are trapped there. Solve simple puzzles to kill the guards and bring chaos back into the world.
The theme of this Jam was "Don't let it out"
All 3D models where created by Sara Hames, programming and level design by Joshua Hames. Music was supplied by Kevin Macleod, with additional sounds from FreeSounds.org. All licenses are creative commons, this work is free to distrubte with proper credit.
Facet Starlight is a hobby studio composed of Sara and Joshua Hames, we work on video games in between our fulltime jobs, if you like what we do, the best form of support you can give us is to simply try our games and consider hiring Sara for your next project! She's a professionally educated 3D Artist with a swath of industry standard skills. https://www.artstation.com/sara_hames