Inquisitor (itch)
Greetings Inquisitor,
As you are aware two Assimilants have infiltrated our ranks. Your job is to root them out by only selecting loyal personnel to complete the missions. When sent on mission an Assimilant will often transmit our plans resulting in failure. A successful mission will award us a victory point while a fail will reward the enemy. The first faction to reach three victory point will win the war. Make sure that is us. You must also interrogate the personnel. This will help determine loyalty. Be ever vigilant in your search for the truth.
*** End Transmission ***
----- GAMEPLAY -----
Inquisitor is played with a mouse only. The goal of the game is to be the first faction to reach 3 points. Each round you will select a number of personnel required for the mission. If no assimilants are present on the away team or they choose not to act at this time the mission will be a success and you will score a point, if an assimilant is present they will often sabotage the mission and it will fail, scoring a point for the assimilants.
There are also two interrogation rounds where you can determine the faction of a single personnel. Use these carefully as attempting to identify assimilants is key!
----- ABOUT -----
Inquisitor was made in 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2018 where the theme was "Transmission".
The game is inspired by the card / social game "Resistance" and adds a few more mechanics to fill in the social gameplay lost through digitising it into a one player game.
Thanks for playing!
Christopher Yabsley