Inter(stellar) Mission
Created in 3 days for Mini Jam 122: Intermission over Christmas weekend in 2022. Merry Christmas!
Jam theme: Intermission
Limitation: Losing is good
Our use of the limitation was to make each remaining ship in your squadron power up significantly each time you lose a ship.
Your squadron is attempting to secure victory by reaching the enemy's gate.
The enemy's gate is "up".
A ship with at least 1 HP must enter the enemy's gate in order to win.
[Arrows] - Move
[Z] - Fire
[Tab] - Change camera focus
[P] - Pause
[R] - Restart
All squadron members move with the same input.
Your squadron leader starts with 4HP, wingmen have 3HP.
The color of a ship shows it's HP:
4 - Blue
3 - Green
2 - Yellow
1 - Orange
0 - Red
A ship with 1 or fewer HP can no longer use it's thrusters.
A ship with 0 is disabled.
When a ship is disabled, all other active ships increase in power:
Restore 1 HP
Increase Thrust
Increase Turn Speed
Increase Firing Speed (After every 2 ships disabled)
Increase Damage (After every 3 ships disabled)
Kuang-Yu Cheng - Ships, bullets, enemies, walls, gates, glowing text, and particle graphics.
Kuang-Yu Cheng - From the other side - In Game Music
Malachi The Artist - Beast - Main Menu Music
Kuang-Yu Cheng - Shooting, Hitting Target, and Explosions.