IQ Test

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Free IQ Test

39 questions
70 - 165 IQ ranges

One of the tests for the level of intelligence is the Raven test - method of testing IQ, developed in 1936 by J.. Raven and L. Penrose, on the basis of the study of the traditions of intelligence adopted in the UK. This test is based on an optimal, in the opinion of many scholars, the principle of matching abstract shapes and is used in the method of progressive matrices Raven, which helps to determine the level of intellectual development of people of different age groups. At the same time address the non-verbal component of intelligence.
Release date
Star Legion
Jordan Schuetz
Star Legion, Ninja Pig Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Wii U

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Win XP, 7, 8, 10
  • Processor: Intel 1.2 GHz
  • Memory: 256 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Any
  • Storage: 50 MB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

Where to buy

Nintendo Store

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1 edit
Visual IQ 163
You have 163 IQ (Visual test)
Visual IQ 154
You have 154 IQ (Visual test)
Visual IQ 157
You have 157 IQ (Visual test)
Visual IQ 156
You have 156 IQ (Visual test)
Visual IQ 164
You have 164 IQ (Visual test)
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IQ Test reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Hello! First of All, I have to say to myself is very interested in this TOPIC and am unfortunately disappointed with this IQ test. My Opinion: I have to say this IQ test is pretty Pay2Win so not decisive Evidence of a high Intelligence Quotient (IQ). In Addition, the "Raven AMP Intelligence Test is no longer recommended as this is an outdated Model of the Modern Intillegenz. Newer Methods such as the General Intelligence Test (AIT) are therefore preferable to the older Raven.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
My Review of IQ Test Pro-none at all (I had never had in my Review before) Contra-you only get a Bronze coin gift-it's Not free-It's Pay to Win-Microtransaction in Form 1 Coin = €0.43-the 96 Achievements won't be until after the Microtransa Switching up-first pay and then you get the 96 Achievements-no real IQ test as With the Help of the guide in the Community Hub it is too easy to answer all the Questions correctly I do not recommend this Game at all!
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Microsoft from Russian
IQ Test Progressive Matrix Ravena (Raven Progressiv Matrices)-Test of intelligence. Designed to measure the level of intellectual development, learning the logic of thinking. You have drawings with shapes that are linked to a specific constraint. One figure lacks, and at the bottom it is given among 6-8 other figures. Task: To set the pattern, linking the figures in the picture, and in the response field, specifying the figure to be searched among the proposed options. It Consists of 39 tasks, and after their completion You will be shown Your IQ. In Addition, a few items will drop into Your inventory. Bottom line: Nice test, recommend to read. More truthful reviews, the information in which is not sucked out of your finger, You can see by subscribing to the Curator.
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Microsoft from Russian
Eisenka Test-IQ test, quantitative estimation of human intellect level. The Test is designed to assess the mental abilities, not the level of knowledge (erudition). Careful implementation of the test assumes 40 minutes to solve 39 puzzles, selecting the correct answer from several options. The Complexity grows from the simplest to the rather complex, and most of the time is spent on the solution of the last tasks. The Re-passage is not provided-the base of questions and their order are fixed, only the position of the correct answer among variants differs. But at one time-a great thing. Bugs and other misunderstandings during the passage of the test was not found. But the system of Achivok and items in the inventory is not considered, so I had to first pass the test honestly on the second account for the sake of interest, and basically just choose the right answers to get all the achievements ((My ICQ = 140 (smarter than 84.8% of the people). How do Are you doing?
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