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Welcome to Programming 101. In this class you'll learn to program a space probe. It will fly to Sol III (known as Earth by its inhabitants) and reconfigure a specific crop field. We do this to test the intelligence of those earthlings. Good luck!

The crop field serves as input to the probe's program. It is a field comprised of 8 positions. Each position can be either a wheat plant in various growth stages or just the soil. The starting and ending position of each field will not contain a plant, i.e. soil. The highlighted position is where the probe could begin its execution.

The source code is comprised of multiple instructions. Each instruction is made up of 5 characters: CURRENT STATE CURRENT PLANT NEW PLANT MOVE DIRECTION NEW STATE. The starting state for the program is always A. If CURRENT STATE matches the program's current state and if CURRENT PLANT matches the plant/soil that the probe sees in its current field position then:

  1. the probe will replace what it sees with NEW PLANT
  2. the probe will be moved one position in the field according to MOVE DIRECTION
  3. the program's state is changed to NEW STATE
  4. remaining instructions aren't executed, instead a new cycle starts

There is one special state Terminate, T. If NEW STATE is set to it, the program will halt execution. It's recommended to switch to this T state when you have finished re-configuring the input field to the expected form. Each situation (STATE + PLANT) the probe encounters needs to be handled by some instruction, otherwise the probe will self-destruct.


  1. A50RA: If program's current state is A and if probe sees plant 5, then replace it with plant 0 (just the roots), move right and keep state to A.
  2. ASS.T: If program's current state is A and if probe sees no plant S (soil), then keep it as a soil, remain there (stay) and change state to T, which terminates execution.

That's it! Make us proud!

(Keep in mind this is only a prototype, made for LD52.)

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Last Modified: Jan 13, 2023

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