Average Playtime: 2 hours

Joe Danger 2: The Movie

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Continuation of the game "Joe Danger". The protagonist is the world's most determined stuntman, moved to Hollywood to take part in the making of the greatest action film ever made.

"Joe Danger 2 The Movie" allows the player to become the protagonist of the most intense moments of the action movie, to perform many stunts - in fact, the whole game and there is a continuum of stunts, from skiing to flying jetpack and destroying bad guys armed with lasers. There are water skiing, extreme cycling, sky-diving and even adventures in the jungle with dinosaurs and in deep mines.

The execution of stunts is a deadly profession, and this fully applies to the hero of the game. He risks his life every second.

The game has a hundred levels, you can also create your own levels and play with your friends in multiplayer mode.

Release date
Hello Games
Microsoft Studios, Hello Games
Age rating
10+ Everyone 10+

System requirements for PS Vita

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP
  • Processor: 2.0Ghz Dual core processor
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GT 640M/equivalent or higher
  • Hard Drive: 2 GB HD space
  • OS:Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP
  • Processor: High-range Intel Core i5
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 660 with 1GB/equivalent or higher 
  • Hard Drive: 2 GB HD space
  • Additional: Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller or Direct Input compatible controller

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 
  • Processor: Dual Core CPU (2.2+ GHz Dual Core CPU or better) 
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM 
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GT 640M/equivalent or higher 
  • Hard Drive: 2 GB HD space
  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 
  • Processor: High-range Intel Core i5
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM 
  • Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 660 with 1GB/equivalent or higher 
  • Hard Drive: 2 GB HD space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X 10.6.8 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM 
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GT 650M 512MB or Radeon HD 5770 1GB
  • Hard Drive: 2 GB HD space
  • OS: OS X 10.7.5 or higher. OS X 10.8.0 or higher 
  • Processor: High-range Intel Core i5
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM 
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 675MX 1GB or Radeon HD 6970M 1 GB
  • Hard Drive: 2 GB HD space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 14, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox 360 Store

Top contributors


2 edits


1 edit
An Evening With Sips - Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Jan 30, 2015
Joe Danger 2 - The Movie
Aug 10, 2012
Behind The Scenes - Joe Danger 2
Oct 10, 2012
Joe Danger 2: The Movie Review - Video Review
Sep 13, 2012
Joe Danger 2: The Movie Gameplay (PC HD)
Jun 26, 2013
Обзор Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Jul 4, 2013
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Joe Danger 2: The Movie reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I couldn't even understand a good game or bad. And the negative score-for a terrible schedule. The game has some very long-standing bug-Many people the menu looks great, but at the start of the level all terribly foggy. I'm one of those lucky ones. You can't Play. On The forums of the game almost every third post-about problems with graphics, but how much time has passed-developers do not care deeply. Don't Waste your money and nerves.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I would Not say that the game is terrible, but it is definitely not worth the money. I was fortunate enough to purchase this game in Humble Bundle, so at least I didn't lose anything. What can you say good about this game? Perhaps only that the game is beautiful and dynamic. Feel yourself in the role of a stuntman on the set. Cons: * Not looking variety and a lot of levels (about 30 main missions) the game monotonous and annoying after an hour of play; * Unusual control, but happened and worse; * Constant cries of the director.
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
My score for this game is a: 7/10. The advantage of the 1 is that it has more levels for multiplayer, and this has 5 although they are better to my point of view because it removes the split screen by shared and allows the game between 4. Point in favor: 1-The graphics do not differ much from the first installment but it looks better the environment, but alive by the movement. 2-Good handling with gamepad, with keyboard and mouse and seen that people complain... But if you have gamepad I think you will have no problems (My gamepads are Logitech, if the doubts F510 and F710) 3-Levels entertaining. You will Not be bored with in visual of each level. Point against: 1-The multiplayer mode so e seen only are 5 levels.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
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