Journey Through Deathsbog
Fight your way through the underground passages of Deathsbog. With cleavers in hand, let live only those that are too much a hassle to destroy.
Journey through Deathsbog is a simple game with a single, very dense, map, 4 bosses, and 11 enemy types. Play alone or in couch co-op. Note: the camera focuses on only one player at a time. This is intentional so that it's easier to let one player do jumping sections if desired. Which player is focused can be changed at any time.
This game was made in Pico-8 for Toybox Jam 3, and thus uses the graphics and sounds required for that jam. It also hit multiple of the limits Pico-8 puts on games. As such, the cartridge code was minimized using the "Good Enough Minimizer" by Paul Hammond. The downloads include the "raw" version in case anyone feels like looking at the code. I don't like viewing my code as important (the actual game is what I care about), so if any of it is useful feel free to take it. Note that the map was made using Tiled Map Editor and converted to RLE hexadecimal using a custom lua script.
arrows - move, jump and drop down from platforms
z,c, - attack
x - dodge roll
return - open menu
Couch Co-op is not recommended without controllers, as the keyboard controls for 2 player are really awkward.
Other notes:
You can save at any time, but the saving only saves up until the last time you touched a healing crystal. In addition, loading or respawning causes all non-boss enemies to revive.
The game will lag somewhat if too many enemies are on-screen at once. I tried to limit how many enemies were in any one spot to around 4 or 5, but if more that that gather it'll help to dash around and try to get some of them far enough away to stop being active.
The menu music is "Eyes in the Darkness" by Gruber. I can't really tell who did the rest, so click on the "submission to toybox jam 3" and scroll to the bottom for who else contributed assets.