Junked - Heavensent Apocalypse (Demo)
Rumirez, a young lass who has managed to escape her orphanage walks down a suburban street to suddenly witness the end of the beginning- a hallowed reckoning from a force that could only be both divine and terrible.
Before long she finds herself cast into a place the locals call "Otherworld" and tries to make it a world worth living in!
Assisted by her Pet Rat, Gossip and her new friends- Flannel, Solistace and (insincerely) Junkheap... she makes a vow to make the best of her situation, or find a way home.
But what home is there...? For an orphan who has known no shelter but juvenile prison for so long as they can recall?
-Brand new line up of characters with deep personalities betrayed by a surface-level simplicity,
-Strategic RPG Combat with a host of fun and interesting abilities.
-Atmospheric Junker Apocalypse aesthetic the charm of which knows no bounds!
-Unusual stat distribution system that just works!
-Polished to a mirror shine!
I dunno what else to add, it's a short and sweet demo so it'll only take most people 30 minutes to an hour to complete.