Justice Never Slows Down
Crime is rife on the racetrack...
Play as Max Drift, a racetrack detective. Discover clues at the scene of the incident, and track down the culprit by any means necessary.
A mashup of the Racing, Shooting and Point-and-Click adventure game genres!
Shoot the cars to pull them over. Solve the crime before the race is over!
Car Controls:
W/S to go forward/back
A/D To turn
Left Click to Aim
Right Click to Shoot
PnC Controls
Click to walk, inspect items, and progress dialogue
Click dialogue options
Present evidence
Known bugs:
- Culprit can be found without evidence
- This is a disappointing one not to have caught in time! You may find the culprit by chance. Will be patched as soon as voting is over.
- Camera clipping through wall in aim view
- Larger collider needed. Will be patched as soon as voting is over.
Please notify me of any more!
Entry by Conor McKenna
Music by Conor McKenna
SFX by Lg, MusicMasta, Medartimus, Leosalom, Marlonhj, Coolguy244e, Schots on FreeSound