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The story

In Resonance you experience the story of the space pilot Robert Wallace and the neuroscientist Catriona Bruce. Through a chain of circumstances, these divorced spouses are chosen to explore the space station DIOMHAIR 16 in the year 2301, to which all radio contact has been lost. However, their landing is anything but smooth and so the two are confronted with bigger problems than their unprocessed separation. Terrible things have happened on board and soon it is not only survivors but also a way off the station to find. In the process, the characters not only learn the dark secrets that led to the disaster on the DIOMHAIR 16, but also get caught up in supernatural events, the resonances. In the process, they delve into their own pasts and relive formative moments of their lives together. The fate of the two and that of the entire space station is in your hands. Will you manage to repair what has been destroyed?


Explore a science fiction drama on three timelines
  • Learn from records what led to the sinking of the DIOMHAIR 16. Live through the resonances and decide for yourself how Robert and Catriona behaved at crucial moments in their relationship, creating your very own reality. Get to know the couple's relationship from both sides and form your own judgment. Their decisions and actions also affect the present, in which the mismatched couple make their way through the dead space station in search of an escape route.

In space, only your partner can hear you scream
  • Host your own game and invite a friend. Decide in advance which of you will take on the roles of Robert and Catriona, so two of you can experience their emotional adventure. Only by playing cooperatively will you be able to move forward and overcome the tricky challenges and tough decisions that await you at DIOMHAIR 16.

The right tools for the job
  • Find and learn how to use advanced portable tools, which you will find aboard the DIOMHAIR and integrate into your spacesuit. Move objects with the telekinetic powers of the forcetool or fight blazing flames with the fire extinguisher. Only by skillful use of the tools is there any progress. And thanks to their digital journal, you'll document every record you find and can look at it over and over again. Do you have what it takes to traverse a damaged space station?

To the stars and beyond
  • In 2301, the Interstellar Life and Military Cooperation, as a joint project of wealthy industrialists is the dominant space agency. Explore DIOMHAIR 16, which the Cooperation operated as a research station, and be prepared to discover the ethically and morally questionable experiments conducted here in the service of science. But be sure that it will not be a pretty sight. On the hands of the Cooperation and on the corridors of the station, there is the blood of those who went too far.

The origins of Resonance

Mittweida University of Applied Sciences has been offering the Media Informatics and Interactive Entertainment degree program since 2011 and has since been training creative students in a variety of disciplines. The goals and content of this bachelor's degree program are shaped by the current professional image of modern media informatics in the Web 2.0 environment. The course of studies offers students the opportunity to educate themselves in the field of designing creative content or creating informatic applications as they wish. In the fifth semester, all media informatics students of the class of 2016 developed Resonance in a development team of 40 students over a period of almost 4 months. This final project was presented to the public at beta, the university's in-house games conference.

We would like to thank our hardworking team leaders, our great project teams, our helpers, friends, family and everyone else who gave us patience, strength and trust along the way. We are proud of Resonance and hope you have fun playing it.
Release date
XII Games
xii games and Wadjet Eye Games
MI Matrikel 16
Wadjet Eye Games, Hochschule Mittweida, Games-Studieren
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 10
  • OS: Windows 10

System requirements for macOS

OS X 10.6.8 or later.
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+
Memory: 1GB of RAM
Graphics: 64MB of video memory Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled.

System requirements for Linux

Ubuntu 14.04 / Linux Mint 17,
Processor: 1 GHz,
Memory: 256 MB RAM,
Graphics: 64 MB of VRAM.
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 10, 2024

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1 edit
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INSANE ACHIEVEMENT: Open Tortoise's safe without using any "visual aids"
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Resonance reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Excellent point & click adventure on a very well treated fantasy theme, and that never darkened through the hard-SF. No big tirades pseudo-scientific indigestible, we pass very fast in the action. The introduction of the 4 playable characters is well treated and their interactions always very credible. Having 3 types of "inventory", each distributed over the 4 characters might seem painful but it is not, the moments when it is necessary to juggle between the characters remain quite rare. The dubbing is of very good quality, and the scenario... The scenario is a bead. Play this game.
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Microsoft from Russian
With all my love for quests and especially-to quests from Wadjet Eye Games-I must say that this game is terrible. Blackwell Series took its idea and non-standard approach, Primordia was a little masterpiece with a shocked world, even Shivah revealed unusual theme and told a single Zakoknejnoyu story, but it's just a dummy. Maybe There is any of these, but frankly squalid gameplay kills the whole idea. It's a quest, damn it! Yes, it is based on the search for interesting solutions and solving mysteries-but in all this should be at least some sense! Here, any passing, trifling, elementary action turns into a real test, which requires a multi-way confusing solution scheme. It's cool--but only when something important depends on them, not every second-time cardboard character.
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Microsoft from Russian
Great quest for those who love a good pixel oldschool. XII Games made a really atmospheric game, with four different characters, by fate drawn into one common story. You should make a reservation immediately. Yes, technically, the quest is far from perfect. Yes, the plot is a bit crumpled. Yes, the characters are spelled not as deep as we would like, and often the choice of a certain character does not affect the passage, because the same action is most often possible to perform any of them. And Finally, some riddles seemed to me quite complicated... But! As already partially mentioned above, the quest possesses:-A great atmosphere; -Interesting plot with unexpected twists and a small fraction of nonlinearity in the final; -different characters, where each has its own view of what is happening; -Original inventory system, in which in addition to the typical junk is present two additional divisions for memories and short-term memory (tied to a particular location), which makes a variety of interaction with the environment and game Process. -pronounced general style. And believe me, all these pluses are more than overlapping its shortcomings. Special thanks to all those people who have made the russifier of this wonderful game! I Recommend to buy fans of old school quests. For the rest of you can "not go":) Subjective rating 3.5 points out of 5
For a very long time, I couldn't be able to experience the joy of playing video games in earlier times of my childhood. 
And sometimes playing the same game from your childhood after like ten or more years later, may not felt the same as it did before. However, this game felt just like I was playing a game in those old times.  Hell of a ride!
«Blew my mind»
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