Average Playtime: 4 hours

Karma Miwa

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You play a strange fragile flightless bird, who has been gone for too long and now wants to go home to its mate, which is far away.

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However for unknown reasons, enemies are being lured and attracted the bird. The flightless bird needs to run and jump over many enemies and obstacles on its journey home to your mate. The bird trek is long and full of danger.

Can you help the bird to get home to your mate?

This game was heavily inspired by the classic game Snokie, which appeared on the Commodore 64 and Atari 800 back in th ’80s. While much of the basic gameplay is similar, the graphics, music and sound has been enhanced considerably and there are many newer enemy types.Features:
  • Play As Miwa (slower) and Terry (faster), which each have two difficulties modes.
  • Once all lives are lost the game enters Practice Mode where you can continue the level in easy modes.
  • 2 hit system – the first contact with an enemy or water is non-fatal.
  • The game features 21 levels, spread over three different areas.
  • This game can been quite very hard in the pro mode.
How to Play:
  • You can only move on plain landscape and floating platforms.
  • You can only jump in either left or right, not up.
  • You cannot control your bird when its on a slope, or when its is in air.
  • You cannot touch water or any moving enemy animals.
Please Note:This game have 3 jump buttons:
Jump Left (Z), Jump Right (X) and a normal Jump (SpaceBar). Those keys can been remapped in the menu.

Release date
Space Fractal
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • Processor: Any 64 or 32 bit processor
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX or OpenGL Compatible Video card
  • Storage: 60 MB available space
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Last Modified: Sep 30, 2022

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Karma Miwa reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
a cute little plateform or you have to bring your jumping bird to the end of the level. two characters with slight differences will make you traverse the 21 levels fairly quickly in easy mode (for occasional players, the game ends then in 1 hour or 2). Then comes the Pro mode. with the first bird, you have 3 lives to finish each level, and the enemies arrive by palanated, with some vicious traps making pleasure to see. Finally, with the second bird (the one that goes faster but jumps less high), a life to finish a level. There, we fall into the die & retry. It is far from an insurmountable game, but it is much more Beefy and fun. Too bad we have to stuff 3 times the game before to really unlock the hard part, it becomes redundant. And redundant, we will also have the decors, always the same (beaches and caves), and the enemies (duck that dumps you his eggs, WaSP, frog, Ghost, fish, snake falling from the sky, Pebble and water (for a penguin, it's a little odd)). they are not very varied either and the level design is awfully classic. In short a small game of platform friendly and cheap but that will bring nothing, allowing itself to travel between two blockbusters.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
"Karma Miwa" is a casual platformer. We are a flightless Bird and have to come to our female Counterpart in every Level to the right. Along the Way, water areas in which we can drown await us, high-jumping Piranhas that want to eat and eat various other Enemies with whom we should avoid touching. Where the first Touch is not yet fatal, but the second. And this often results very quickly after the first, because the Control is, in a friendly way, something special. Because unlike normal Platformers, where we jump with a Button in the Direction we're looking in right now, there are two different Buttons here that make us jump in one Direction without us being able to correct the Character in the Jump. This is not only unusual, but also inorganic. My Thesis would be that the Game was designed for a Touchscreen and was not Bothered to adjust the Controls sensibly. A clear Indication of this Thesis is also provided by the Aesthetics, which may be quite sweet, but which, however, is technically incomprehensibly simple and unstoppable and Also reminiscent of Tablets in Dissolution and style. Even the Sound doesn't seem to be exactly elaborate in his endless loop. In addition, the Level Design looks opaque and arbitrary. And so only a sweet Surface remains under which an extremely cheap casual game is found that hardly any Fun is able to generate. Rating: 4/10 Atmosphere-/10 Story 3/10 Graphic 3/10 Sound 3/10 Game Mechanics 3/10 Balancing 3/10 Game Pass Conclusion: Don't Pick off, the Bird. 3/10 Overall Rating
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