Katt Viteză and the Metallic Menace: Demo Version

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Note: This game is a work in progress, this demo is not representative of the game's intended final quality.

Katt Viteză and the Metallic Menace is a 2D high-speed platformer being developed on the Unity Engine. Set in a vibrant cartoon world brought to life by eye-catching pixel art, the player’s primary goal is to reach the end of each level safely, and then defeat that level’s boss. The game will be won if the player can beat the boss of the fourth and final level. 

However, true completion will require the player to return to each level and discover the secrets in all of the areas they couldn’t reach previously, when they lacked certain abilities. The player will have to master both high-speed movement and careful, strategic platforming if they want to prevail.

In the Demo Version, you can try your hand at the game's third level: Ice Plains. A level that sees Katt traversing treacherous snowcapped peaks, jumping across vast chasms and racing by lethal enemies.

Who is Katt Viteză? A lynx girl who’s had a curiosity and a desire for adventure since early childhood. Known to be quite energetic, she stays active by climbing trees, exploring caves and holding races with her friends in their mountain forest home. Unbeknownst to her, these innocent activities would serve as preparation for the crisis at hand.   

What's going on? Strange mechanical beings known as the Maskineri have invaded Katt’s mountain forest, stealing its natural resources, some cutting down trees, others taking the fish from the rivers. When they take her friends away, Katt decides to pursue the automaton kidnappers in a bid to rescue them.

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Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Sep 6, 2019

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