Have you ever tried KBBQ before? Well prepare your taste buds for KBlobBQ!
Inspired by the Google blob emojis, KBlobBQ! is a time management, cooking simulation game where the player is a restaurant chef. The player must satisfy as many customers as they can before closing. They will receive a score and additional comments based on their performance at work. There are 3 different levels for players to choose from (New hire, Associate and Manager). Challenge yourself as you gain more experience working at the restaurant.
Programmer: Yuki QiQi
Artist: Jacquelyn Lee
Sound/Music Credit:
Title Page Music: Playful-Easy Going - Purple-planet.com
Background music: Nostalgia - Dee Yan Key (freemusicarchive.org)
Restaurant Ambiance - SoundBible.com
Hot Sizzling - SoundBible.com