KnifeBoy Demo
My name is Karl Fredriksson, an Indie-Game Dev from Sweden, currently living in Tokyo. I`m the creator of KnifeBoy!
I made a couple of versions of the Demo for Youtube-Channels I'm a fan of :P
Now On Kickstarter:
KnifeBoy Story: Shortly after the fall of The New World Order, a new regime, Anonymous, stepped out of the shadows to rule the world. With KnifeBoy dead, The Rebel army was slowly falling apart... But not for long - Dr. J managed to bring KnifeBoy back from the dead to Fight the Regime once more.
KnifeBoy Features:
Day & Night cycle.
8 levels + "open world" + hidden levels & Challenge Rooms.
Epic Boss Battles.
Unique Art .
Conspiracy-Monster-Hunter-ish SideQuests.
Diverse cast of Enemies.
Please play the Demo and leave feedback!
I'm in the sweet spot of the development where I can change things before its to late!