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In La-Mulana, the player assumes the role of an adventurer archeologist and explores the ruins of a forgotten ancient civilization.


The game follows an archeologist named Lemeza Kosugi. He continues the research of the lost city of La-Mulana that was started by his father Shorn. La-Mulana is a magical place that the protagonist believes was the source of all human civilizations. Its architecture consists of a mixture of various ancient cultures, such as Greek, Egyptian or Maya. Lemeza discovers that all human civilizations were created by an alien "Mother" with a goal to help it return to space.


The player controls Lemeza in a 2D environment. The main character has to explore the levels that consist of many mazes, platforms, and environmental puzzles. The levels are non-linear, and the player can complete the game in a variety of ways, although there are no alternate endings. Lemeza can use his whip to fight enemies or to break some parts of the environment to clear the way.


The game intentionally imitates the retro style of 16-bit console games from the 90s. It uses a limited color palette and pixelated visuals. La-Mulana is also obviously inspired by the Indiana Jones film series. The main character wears a fedora, fights with a whip and is very similar to Indiana. The game is set to the music typically associated with old adventure films.

Release date
AGM PLAYISM, NIS America, Active Gaming Media, EnjoyUp Games
Age rating
Not rated
Other games in the series

System requirements for Linux

  • Processor:Intel® Pentium 4 / 2.0GHz
  • Memory:1 GB RAM
  • Graphics:DirectX 9.0c compatible card, 128MB of VRAM

System requirements for macOS

  • OS:OS X 10.7(Lion)
  • Processor:Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Hard Drive: 500 MB available space
  • OS:OS X 10.11(El Capitan) or higher
  • Processor:Intel® Core i5 2.4 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Hard Drive: 500 MB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows XP
  • Processor:Intel® Pentium 4 / 2.0GHz
  • Memory:1 GB RAM
  • Graphics:DirectX 9.0c compatible card, 128MB of VRAM
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:500 MB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatible card

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Wii

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 7, 2024

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Nintendo Store

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      La-Mulana reviews and comments

      Translated by
      Microsoft from French
      Stop the guys!!! It's a joke, right?! Everyone praise this game, too good, a bead, an unforgettable experience etc etc... but it's for laughs isn't it??! Everyone agreed to mock a rotten game, that's it??! Where did this idea come from? A joke on a forum? A Facebook channel? I have the impresion of not having the same game... I started playing, and I quickly disenchanted! Have you seen these amputated frog jumps? And you validate this in a platformer??! How can it make you want to play? Do you like to walk with gravel in the shoes? Neither do I, and virtually neither. And the character that falls heavy like a stone? But what is this game?!! A plateform or a Tetris?!! I see a lot of people talking about difficulty, talking about dark souls. A little respect for the real games please! When you die in dark souls, it's because you screwed up. Not because the maneuverability is messed up! We're doing it, right? Probably yes, I guess. But in this case we take any game we decide to play with the feet. I bet we do it too. I am not against a little nostalgia for the little tricks of the past, but the idea of taking back the worst gaps of yesteryear and to train them on a pedestal, I do not understand. Well, not here anyway. You guys are joking, don't you worry?! And then we scream to the genius to bring his Indiana Jones from a laptop for adventure? Plus an old man who guesses what you're doing and who's spamping your mailbox for nothing??! But I thought it was humor that concept. Bold, well-crossed humor at the Benny Hill to make a smile for the player. But no, it's a good idea?? Oh! Stop it! I read that the game is very beautiful? But you're not credible guys, you do too much! Looks like my daughter says her ice cream is too hot! The pixels do not put me off, it's not that, on the contrary: I sincerely find risk of rain much more beautiful than this game. That's the point. The mulana, frankly, it's not folichon. There is worse, but from there to say that it is beautiful! This choice of colors, these dull scenery, this lack of style, this bland hero, these monsters even worse. RPG maker makes it cleaner! And the music is that good??? Even that of the original village, the one who typed me on the system and lowered the volume after 5 minutes? I still imagine that the developer did not put the worst at the beginning... The best Metroid-like to which some have played? Already in a Metroid-like, you do not start by typing crates to collect coins and return to the shop of the village to buy you an indispensable element to your progress in the temple, a decipherer. You're doing this in a Zelda at the limit. Not in a Metroid-like. It just cooled me straight. What's the next step? Looting random stuff on the mobs to move on? So it's true that I haven't progressed much in the game. I'm not well-placed to judge. But sincerely, Yes, sincerely, I have seldom been so surprised by the lag between what I can read and what I can see. For me, this game is direction Recycle Bin.
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