Krudd DX

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*sounds of whiskey being poured and drunk*

I'm alone. My oldest son, Xavier, lives in the city, but I haven't heard from him for years. My other son Paul wants nothing to do with me. Everyone else I knew left this shithole city. Well, the smart ones aT LEAST. The rest of em have either died or joined the Ikytu. 

What's the Ikytu? heh

*takes sip*

You mean who are the Ikytu. They're a crime gang that runs the city. The government can't do shit to stop them. They do what they want, when they want. They are the law. And son, you better abide by their law if you like having a sack of balls hangin between your legs. 

*takes sip*

My farm - the place I've been living for over 25 years - is my pride and joy. It was here before this city was built around it, and I'll be damned if it isn't when that place burns to the ground. They've tried to buy me out so many times over the past, it's become routine. They being the so called government, under the advice and control of the Ikytu. The farm is probably the most valuable piece of land in the area - the soil is so rich, food can grow in it up to 10 times faster than a regular farm. If this farm was to go down, I'd go right down with it. No one is getting their hands on my land.

*takes sip*

Well, now you know my story. Oh, by the way, the name's Kevin. 


It's 8AM. Time to get up and out before the house gets locked down.

*puts down glass*


Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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