Kursk (itch) (Stephens Clan Gaming)

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Jump into your tank and fight out the battle of Kursk! Join the Red Army and use your T-34 in defense of your homeland, or join the Panzerwaffe and use your Pzkpfw IV to destroy all Russian resistance. Fight single player against bots, or have your friends join you and fight it out! There are 10 bots on each team.

CONTROLACTIONWDrive forwardA/DSteer left/rightLeft clickShootRight clickAimScroll wheelAdjust elevation

If you have never played multiplayer via direct IP, here's how:

If you are hosting, decide whether you want bots or not, and choose your port. (The default one should be good.) Leave the address as ''. Then press host. To find your IP, open command prompt and enter the command 'ipconfig'. Then look for your IPv4 address, under the wireless, or LAN adapter heading, depending on whether you are connected to Wi-Fi wirelessly or not. Then, anyone on your Wi-Fi network can join by entering your IPv4 address instead of '' and your port you chose.

Note to Tank Lovers:

Yes, I know the Pzkpfw VI "Tiger" is cooler than the Pzkpfw IV, but it's size gives it a marked disdvantage, because it is a larger target. So I simply used the Panzer IV and scaled it to match the T-34 in size, roughly.

Release date
Stephens Clan Gaming
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Aug 22, 2022

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