Last Sight
Made on a custom game engine developed by Lead Programmer Kaya, Last Sight is a survival horror game where in which you must try to outrun and gun down the once humans. A death ridden city populated by corpses puppeteer-ed by flora and fauna, can you make it to the bunker, before your mind gives way.
Game Mechanics by Daniel Banks (
Game Engine and UI by Kaya Arkin (,
Animation and Creative Lead by Griffith Terry (
Sprite Work and Creative Lead by Jude Worthington-Firn (
The lost theme was realized in the lack of sight and deteriorating mind. Creating an extreme vision limitation to make the player feel lost and isolated.
The time mechanic was implemented through the sanity meter. Essentially a flavourful timer, the more the player spends in the darkness, or assaulted by the different kinds of horrific creatures, they lose sanity. When it reaches 0, you perish.