Legend of Rothan
- Procedurally generated dungeon including a locked door and a key
- Top down camera
- One sword attack
- The hero carries a shield which can block attacks when position correctly (this can seem a bit janky because of the top down view the game currently has. In a future update I will switch to a 3rd person action cam which should feel better)
- one type of main enemy
- one type of boss with spells (some of which can be reflected)
My vision for the future includes:
- A third person action camera
- A free flow combat system
- Free running and climbing
- Ranged attacks
- Stealth system
- Magic system
- A procedurally generated world
- Procedurally generated story and quests
- Equipment based move sets
- Multiplayer Co-op
- Zelda inspired dungeons and puzzles
Obviously that's a lot of work and going to take a long time. I hope you enjoy the small game as it is and I'd love to hear feedback.