Legends of Iskaria: Days of Thieves

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Legends of Iskaria is a 2D RPG which claims to be non-linear and immersive.
The game is mainly focus on story-telling, dialogs and exploration.
Built with love for 16bits graphics, it takes up some components of classic RPGs while playing with genre codes.


To the East of the Elven kingdom and the Dwarven lands, the small city of Algenroc lies, quiet and peaceful.
However, strange events are going to disrupt the tranquillity of its folk.
A cooper named Arlando, almost retired, will be forced to live as an adventurer to save his daughter...


  • Dialogs with multiple choices. Each of which will impact on the game storyline.
  • Rich tone. Sometimes funny and light. Sometimes deep and poetic.
  • More than one way to finish the game. Different ways to lose!
  • Full of secrets to discover.
Release date
Ludovic Lafferayrie
Ludovic Lafferayrie
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 98, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
  • Processor: Intel Pentium III 800 MHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Storage: 241 MB available space
  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 (32-bit/64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Pentium® 4 2.0 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Storage: 241 MB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Legends of Iskaria: Days of Thieves reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
A very fun little game that will take you well 5 to 6 hours to finish it. It is also fun to play again several times after finishing because you can test the multiple choices that are offered during the story. One is on a game of a fairly classic type concerning the graphics but that sees its originality in its mode of operation. In fact, there is no turn-by-turn or real-time combat. The action and the unfolding of the adventure are essentially focused only on the choices of actions and dialogues that are taken, which allow to unblock this or that situation and advanced in the game. A fairly original concept that I totally endorse. There are little touches of humor in the dialogues, puzzles without too much difficulty but that still give to dig their head and spend time behind his screen. Then you also have to start exploring the places because some important items are hidden there. We are on a good value for money. And I can only advise this little game without big pretense but that deserves to give us a good time.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Modif n ° 3 Hello, (my opinion can be changed because I think I'm far from the end:)) * start with the only negative points to my eyes (for better forgotten):-there is no "quest manual" system where everything is listed (or I remembered the mini survey of lol chat)-some very little visible object (harp) or badly screwed up use (cheese) * otherwise:-this game is really amazing ranging from surprises to surprises-I do not know everything what it reserves me again (I am at 6h of game)-the graphics are what they are and they s have nice for 16bit (too many "are")-the music sounds refreshing and sometimes enchanting-it seems to me that there are 16 backups (Ah Bah, Nintendo take in seed for PKM XD) that with hindsight are to exploit to the maximum-the references can be subtle (or not) but always fun and well integrated-the gameplay... Bah it's box by case but when have take are time to discover everything or may be surprised:)-the game is in French but also in English-we can run!! -It can be played on the gamepad (I do not like the key "shift" to run)-it allows to take awareness of his choices (and not that a little > save before a choice that seems to you daring/important seems to me)-he asks for a huge search (prepare your magnifiers and your lucky dose)-a "human" character... It is not a pot of flowers without a character on the contrary:p-this game will put your nerves has harsh tests * my point of view of how to play:-this game is frankly not easy and asks for intence reflections and big shots of chances that is why I encourages you to play each of your side but of you between-help (so playing at the same rhythm) (personally I play at the same rhythm as a people who could help me and vice versa)-search for yourself (advent to read the 3 clues below) and you between-help-a "start" of play very emotionally (especially when you make bad choices:p) * indices (this is not spoil but it can help you):-there are 3 cows-the lyre is high-Shh:p
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