Lifeline... reviews

Same game as the phone version on Steam.
The same story.
 The IRL waiting times!
 I can't recommand it because of them, since the story is nice.
Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
Really. Without any doubt it is the most beautiful and compelling game I have ever played. It really sent me the suspense that the authors intended. * Spoiler * When Taylor realizes he is falling into the trap by his now deceased companions who are used by alien creatures is spectacular, it really made me worry like I was really talking to a friend. I Love this game, I hope they do in Italian language to try to find the other possible finals. I also Hope they do the other two chapters for free because it would really be a great gift for us users. 20 STARS YOU deserve!!!!!
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Lifeline is a real masterpiece due to video games on Smartphones. Instead of using spectacular graphics, lifeline goes through a very simple interface, and counterbalance by an interactive scenario very well-crafted and that above all, holds in suspense. It recalls the old textual adventure games, or even the books of which you are the hero. The staging is perfect, mimicking a real conversation between Taylor, the protagonist lost in space, and you, his only interlocutor. If you let yourself be taken by the imagination of this games, having an optimal configuration (activation from notifications to always be in contact with Taylor) you will fall under the spell of this magical game that is lifeline. Good fun!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
First Of all: The Idea is really good-because it is only in your own Mind that the Images of the Story emerge. However, one or the other atmospheric Picture would still have done the Story wrong. So the Whole thing seems a bit very simple and slightly cheap. Also sounds only a single Soundloop-a little for such a long Story ... It quickly tires your Ears when you hear him during a Game session 100 x. So switch off and dispense with Atmosphere? This will probably not have been in the Spirit of the Inventor. Why you just saved on Music and Sound effects is a Mystery to me. Just as incomprehensible as to why the Reading Text is so small that many a player has to rub his Eyes after a strained one after 2 Minutes. At least one Font size Selection could have been offered to the Player. The Story itself is quite interesting and white to captivate-were it not for this (too) flapsy Youth language, which makes the Story seem very silly after all-as an adult player I don't feel taken seriously and the pseudo-student Tonality Often fits Not to the Dramaturgy of the Situation described. This pulls the Story down badly. It is striking here that the Copywriter then seems to have too little Empathy to really share the Reader in the experienced one. Oskarsuspect is the very good Idea, so unfortunately absolutely not.