Created for the 2015 Procedural Game Jam.
There is no aim for this game, it is just there to be played with.
Each game is placed into a procedurally generated start state based on the current time.
It is an implementation of John Conway's "Game of life" where cells follow simple rules:
1) if a cell is alive, it will die due to overcrowding if it is surrounded by more than three other cells.
2) if a cell is alive, it will die from isolation if there is less than two surrounding cells.
3) if a cell is dead, it will be reborn if there are exactly three surrounding cells.
I have also introduced a slight error so that it's not perfect - like life.
I have been interested in creating this for a while and figured #procjam was a perfect scenario.
If fullscreen, click the Esc key to close the game.