Lives You Can Save
Strategy game about striving for gobal wellfare
Gap between poor and rich is getting bigger. What can be done to turn back from this path. The struggle is the loop.
In this poor country called Hardland lives a family. Head of the family is Abu. He is good and honest. His wife is Fara. She suffered a lot in her life but after meeting Abu she have someone to cheer her up. They have four children. The eldest son is Davu, he wants to be a football player when he'll grow up. Next is Hasina, she wants to be a teacher. Her youger sister Zuwena wants to travel the world. The youngest Kazi only wants to play and climb the trees.
On the other end of the world lives John. He recently finished college and got a job. People say his generation will change the world. Let's see about that.
Play both as family living in the poor country and as young man in developed country.
Make decisions to achieve highest world well-being.
v110 (fixed after LD submission)
- overlapping music fixed
- added new diseases
- added John decisions
- turn summary panel (event log)
- death (characters can die)
- diseases arent drafted globaly but for each person
- score points for alive characters
- music on death
- added character descriptions
- disesas immunity working
- disease spread
still missing: charities, animations and graphic
v108 (in LD time)
What should be working:
- Basic stats (Energy, Health, Food, Water)
- Datasheet panel
- Decisions panel
- Next Turns
- Game ending
- Penalty for salary in poor country for women
- Chance of major dises (2 malaria, polio)
- Diseases dont have chance to spread but they are global(everyone catches them), they dmg health
- Available decisions should be working (including charges)
What is missing:
- John decisions (entertainment, looking for partner, looking for job, hobby, etc)
- Giving funds to Charity Organizations that when goal is achieved provides useful Perks in Hardland
- 10 more major threats (diseases, accidents)
- Minor threats (lesser diseases, accidents etc)
- Buffs duration
- Research
- Emigration
- Work variations (different salary, and effects on person)
- Some disesas can spread with different rates on people with different age
- Pogressing Education (Each education level up selected education path)
- Stats: Happiness, Prestige, Physical Capabilities, Mental Capabilities
- Leveling up Country (progression to Developed country)
- Unlocking bonuses on the path to development
- Building structures that improves life quality
- Death
- Online highscore
- Animations, portraits, graphics
- Tutorial
- SoundEffects and more music
- Better graphics
How to play
1 - Funds avalable to use for whole family (after working increase in the next turn)
2 - Food available to use and food required by the whole family (you have to make decision to use it)
3 - Water avalable to use and water required by the whole family (you have to make decision to use it)
4 - Country Panel for Developed Country
5 - Open/Close panel with DataSheet
6 - Basic info about selected person (Name, Age, Gender, Country, Description)
7 - Selected person attributes and needs
8 - Selected person perks, buffs, debuffs
9 - Panel with all characters
10 - Open/Close panel with decisions
11 - Panel with available decisions
12 - Energy Cost of a decision
13 - Available Charges (how many times this action can be performed by this person
14 - Money cost of decision (CMD = Commmon Dolars)