Locked Up (milosarsik)
Hey everyone this is a prototype for a prison simulation game. Its super simple to play. The instructions are in the credits. Its nowhere near finished, I just have some basic functionality done.
You can check me out at milosarsik.me
Any feedback is appreciated.
- AWSD to move (AS-SD together to turn character)
- SHIFT + AWSD run
- L equip hammer
- K equip plastic shank
- SPACE attack while wielding weapon
- E use
- P push ups workout
- LEFT CLICK shoot ball while wielding basketball
Developer Information:
Assets used:
- Unity Particle Pack 5.x
- Terrain Tools Sample Asset Pack
- Prison Assets (Low Poly)
- Nav Mesh Components -> https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/NavMeshComponents
Packages used:
- Post Processing 2.3.0
- Terrain Tools 3.0.2
- TextMeshPro 2.1.1
- Main Menu
- Play, options, credits/instruction menu
- Prologue: you get to play as a guard and drive the prison bus to the prison. If you crash into a cactus. The bus explodes and the prisoners run out. Drive through the main gates of the prison to move on
- Character selection: choose from a list of 30 prisoners from a 3d selection menu where the characters all have idle animations to appear life like
- Player attributes that carry over from scene to scene: health, happiness, strength, intelligence, inmate respect and guard respect
- Prison workouts: boxing, pushups (pressing E on punching bag will initiate this, pressing P anywhere will initiate a pushups workout)
- Interaction with NPC's (for example the chess player and guards)
- The chess player will sit and play chess with you, the guard will patrol and attack and chase you if you are wielding a weapon (hammer or shank)
- Weapon wielding, options between a hammer and a plastic shank. The attack animation changes based on what is wielded, over the top swing for hammer and stabbing animation for shank. Attacking can be done with the SPACE bar
- The hammer deals 50 damage and the shank deals 100
- Doing workouts increases strength, eating food increases health and happiness, playing basketball lowers health, drinking bleach will kill you and end the game. Eating, drinking and picking up a basketball can be done by pressing E. Shooting a basketball can be done with a Left Click if you are holding a basketball
- Killing a guard will increase happiness and inmate respect, while lowering guard respect