This game is about Logic Gates. You can press the switch to energize the puzzle and move on to the next one. THIS IS VERY TUTORIALIZED, so I will not be including any kinda keybinds in here (in case I add or remove some and dont change this)
I wanted to make a puzzle game that wasn't hard for me to make, so I decided to go with something that was easy for me to understand. Logic Gates.
For a free version of the game you can play in browser, go to the link:
This link here
I put this here to get some publicity for the game.
For the most recent notes, please see the GitHub
01SEP21: Published the first 5 levels (Please do not go past 5 as of now). If the game get popular, I'll post faster. For right now, it's when I have time to. I'll probably stick with the color scheme for most my games.
02SEP21: Please see the github for all future issues. I've made it so I can change the game without having to upload a new build here.