Lone Voyager-2D Shooter
This is my finished 2D Project called Lone Voyager!
1. My first modification was to add multiple additional levels and created a logical progression throughout the game. Each level increases in difficulty and length to create a complete progressive game.
2. My second modification was to add additional significant and coherent graphical elements to the game like new enemies, environments and animations. I was able to add more then one way to win each level. The first levels it is possible to win by killing all the enemies, but as it progresses the space station is the only way to get out (included in the instructions). I tried to make a realistic space atmosphere an imagined what an actual space war would like.
3. Lastly, I was able to alter most graphics regarding the player and enemies to a different character. I enjoyed this part because each level was a completely new character to play as, with new enemies that consist of different guns, and movements.
Created by Alec Kritta