Loot Box Trivia
A submission for the Holistic3D game jam in July 2022.
Test your knowledge to win coins, but be warned: get the question wrong and "Well, that wasn't supposed to happen" could be the first thing out of your mouth! Correct answers give you a chance to open a chest with a random amount of coins. However, get the question wrong and you still get to select a chest, but now there is a 1 in 3 chance a monster is hiding inside to steal one of your lives! Lose all your lives and the game ends. Each correct answer also gives you gems based on the difficulty of the question. When your lives end, the gems will convert to coins to add to your score based on how many questions you can answer correctly in a row!
How many coins can you collect before your lives run out?
NOTE: This game uses web requests to the Open Trivia Database (https://opentdb.com/). I cannot guarantee this will always work so if you have an issue, I apology but please try again. There is also a chance that the WebGL glitches because of it. If this happens, just refresh the page.
* All voices are recorded by me. As South Park says, “All characters and events in this show [game] – even based on real people – are entirely fictional. All celebrity voices are impersonated… poorly.”