Average Playtime: 1 hour

Lost jumping frog

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One day the frog went out and lost his way. He can not find his way home at all. Help the frog to return home. Be careful, the path is very dangerous: there are traps, monsters, puzzles.
In Game:
-Colored and thoughtful levels,
-Monsters, traps, dangers,
-World items,
-Each level is unique (there are day and night levels, various landscapes, at every level there is a variety of music)
Однажды лягушонок пошёл гулять и заблудился. Он никак не может найти путь домой. Помогите лягушонку вернуться домой. Будьте осторожны, путь очень опасен: есть и ловушки, монстры, головоломки.
В игре:
-Красочные и продуманные уровни,
-Монстры, ловушки, опасности,
-Собираемые предметы,
-Каждый уровень уникален (есть как и дневные, так и ночные уровни, разнообразные пейзажи, на каждом уровне играет разнообразная музыка)
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP, 7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 duo +
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1 GB
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • OS: Windows XP, 7
  • Processor: Intel Core i3
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1 GB
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Lost jumping frog reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free is a Simple platformer with a view, but not in passing. Pass the levels playing for the toad and collect coins, the difficulty is that you can not just jump, jump is only if you press the button up and sideways simultaneously. Because Of this peculiarity is not easy to overcome obstacles, and often have to replay.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free is a Funny platformer with a strange creature of some kind of fantitics. The Essence is simple-pass the level, simultaneously collect coins. We Pass to the next level through the teleport. With jumps It was not so easy. Jump to calculate does not work, you have to always try on intuition. More suitable for lovers of complex arcades.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Merry platformer about a frog that was lost. The Game was a bit harder than I expected. Jumps can not be calculated, there is always a share of the rank, because you need to press 2 buttons at a certain time, it makes the game more unpredictable, and it pleases. The Essence of the game is simple-just collect coins on the way to the portal. The Variety of levels and music does not let you get bored. A small price. Interesting game, which is not a pity to spend money.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free "Lost jumping frog" Platformer with increased complexity. Collect coins and jump to the teleport to the next level. Cute Frog + Fun music that changes with each level, but complex gameplay. It is Too difficult to jump over thorns and traps. Physics jumps peculiar, accurately calculate jumps does not work. Would Recommend the game to children, but this arcade is more for hardcore fans and people with strong nerves!
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
/h Lost Jumping frog is a primitive platformer not having something special. [/H1] was Very happy with the fact that this platformer is written from scratch, instead of the template from the construction 2. Each level Has its own music, on the screen are painted good bekgrundy. This is a good ending. -The jumping system is not optimized, jumps only near any blocks or platforms. -Char can die even next to obstacles, annoying. -uniformity of levels-there is no sense to collect "coins", because they do not give anything-lack of achievements My score 1 of 10
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Lost Jumping Frog is a game oddly enough about a frog bear. Arcade platformer with high complexity will provide an opportunity to test your nerves for strength, and maybe the keyboard. Pass collect coins and teleeed to the next level, as it says all ingenious simple. Of the pros worth yet to note the interesting appearance of the character and not an endless soundtrack and it is much worth, especially for these games. If you have 30 rubles and do not know where to spend to find another 20 and go take a beer is quite a good option.
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